Local church pastors and members sent food, clean and drinking water, and gave money to the needy, while others helped in cleaning up houses and shops and donated money to victims.
The local newspaper also featured a story about Liaw’s son, who almost drowned while saving people during the onset of the flood.
Only two Adventist church members are known to have been affected by the flood. As of January 18, total donation in cash reached MYR 13,300 as relief and aid for the flood victims continue. [Tam Man Lin/Adventist News Dispatch] SDAJB
27/01 Sabbath: Hazards of City Life
Awesome counsel and opinion by Ellen G. White
Life in the cities is false and artificial. The intense passion for money getting, the whirl of excitement and pleasure seeking, the thirst for display, the luxury and extravagance--all are forces that, with the great masses of mankind, are turning the mind from life's true purpose. They are opening the door to a thousand evils.
Upon the youth they have almost irresistible power. One of the most subtle and dangerous temptations that assails the children and youth in the cities is the love of pleasure. Holidays are numerous; games and horse racing draw thousands, and the whirl of excitement and pleasure attracts them away from the sober duties of life. Money that should have been saved for better uses is frittered away for amusements. {AH 135.1}
Health is a great treasure. It is the richest possession that mortals can have. Wealth, honor, or learning is dearly purchased, if it be at the loss of the vigor of health. None of these attainments can secure happiness if health is warning. – E.G. White, Christian Education, pg 35 SDAJB
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